Sunday, April 16, 2017

The Ultimate Knife Challenge

When it comes to the Call of Duty franchise, everyone seems to want to be an all around pro of some sort, whether it's in league play or hardcore. I, myself, have found myself wanting to make a name for myself in Black Ops 2. While the CoD franchise has moved on well past this game, I deeply fell in love with the Ballistic Knife. Now, I know there are several know CoD knifers out there and that's great, but the way I want to be known is seemingly...well...odd. 

I tried going into Core, Hardcore and League Play modes, but I never got the hang of how to work the different guns or how to create a usable class. Eventually, I ventured over to the Party Games list and jumped into the game mode, Sticks and Stones. You are given a crossbow, a ballistic knife and an axe. Each game is five minutes long and the goal is to have the most points when the timer runs out. It seems simple, but there's a catch, of course. Stabbing someone is five points, while shooting them with a crossbow bolt and with the ballistic knife gives ten points. You have to be careful not to get axed by your opponent or your points will reset to zero. 

Now, I know there's always going to be those people out there who say, Sticks and Stones is too easy and anyone can do that. Please, I've heard it a thousand times and I've also disproved that a thousand times. The most common accomplishments in BO2's SS are bloodthirsties, double/triple kills and occasionally a merciless. If you can achieve more than that on average in every single match of SS you play, I can promise you that you're in the top 15-20% of players in that playlist. Take it from someone who ended up playing nothing but Sticks and Stones until the xbox one came out. You can have a couple good games, but because of the probability of getting axed, consistent, outstanding games with a 1.8+KD are not exactly common.

I've made it my goal and mission in life to prove that female knifers are here to stay. Most of us are in the shadows. We are pub players that know we can't exactly go pro with what we love. Besides, I mainly do this for fun. My love for the playlist got me thinking one day about how I could challenge myself and stay motivated to conquer the leaderboards (Which are modded so bad! The top players have impossible stats for the playlist). That is when I created a personal challenge I call: The Ultimate Knifing Challenge.  The UKC consists of three tiers of goals that I will explain below. In order to even do the challenge I have to first hit level 49 and unlock the ballistic knife. Until then the start date for me doing the UKC is TBA.

Tier 1
Ballistic Knife Kills: 10K
Games Won: 1K
KD: 1.8+

Tier 2
Ballistic Knife Kills: 50K
Games Won: 5K
KD: 1.9+

Tier 3
Ballistic Knife Kills: 100K
Games Won: 10K
KD: 2.0+

In order to complete a tier, I must meet all three requirements. While to some it may seem a little far-fetched, here's where it gets interesting. When you use the BK in BO2 Sticks and Stones, the KD for the weapon never goes negative. It counts your kills with it not your deaths (doesn't do that for the crossbow though). So while my knife KD may reach the thousands, my overall KD will reflect my true KD ratio in the playlist. Here's the even bigger kicker, once I hit level 49 and unlock the knife, I will have only 90 days to complete all three tiers of the UKC.

Now, in order to keep myself motivated, I've devised a way to track my progress. Every day will consist of a blog update encompassing screenshots of my top 3-5 games (via leaderboard screenshot).


There will also be short daily video highlights or a daily mini-montage each day to prove I'm not just talk. Besides, I always think it's more exciting when there's media to watch.


While this may seem like a silly goal to some, to me it's the reason I enjoy gaming. It's not always about the tough, intense pro league battles. So, come follow me in me journey to be the Black Ops 2 Party Games knifer of the century!